Whenever the appearance and life of contemporary urban America is discussed, transportation receives a major share of the credit for what people cite as good and bad features of this scene. This proposition is readily accepted in the abstract by both readers and writers; having stated it, most writers on the subject attempt to give it a sense of urgency by citing some statistical measurement of a particular aspect of urban life not ordinarily thought of. Thus, in one of the first speeches which Alan Boyd made on the subject of urban transportation after his appointment as the country's first Secretary of Transportation, he challenged his audience with the revelation that slightly more than 50 per cent of the total land space in Los Angeles is used for streets, highways and parking facilities. The Secretary made his point, for, at least in the mind of this listener, there was thereafter no further doubt that the construction of streets and highways and the handling of traffic thereon affected urban growth and urban life in an overriding degree.
Federalism, Highways