Peer Reviewed Article
Authors: Raymond Pun (Hoover Institution Library & Archives) , Jessica Bustos (California State University, Chico)
This exploratory research highlighted experiences and stories of libraryworkers of color who participate in library advocacy work at the local and/ornational levels. What are their priorities and interests, and how do they getinvolved in advocacy work in a profession that is predominantly white? Thestudy applied critical race theory (CRT) to frame the social relationships andthe structure of inequities inherent in library advocacy work by exploring thecounter stories, narratives, and perspectives of library workers of color.
Keywords: advocacy, library workers of color, qualitative study, storytelling
How to Cite: Pun, R. & Bustos, J. (2021) “Understanding Barriers and Experiences of Library Advocacy Work by Library Workers of Color: An Exploratory Study”, The Political Librarian. 5(1). doi: