White Paper
Authors: Ann Dutton Ewbank (Montana State University) , J. Turner Masland (Portland State University) , Christian Zabriskie (Queens Library)
In this white paper, we outline the federal legislative agenda of the American Library Association, crafted by members and operationalized by the Washington-based ALA Office of Government Relations, which lobbies on behalf of the Association. We discuss how policy is made in ALA, including the work of the Committee on Legislation. We then explain the federal legislative issues that are advanced by ALA through the Washington Office1. These include: appropriations, privacy/surveillance, access to government information, copyright, school libraries, and telecommunications. We conclude with information on how to become an advocate for federal legislative issues critical to libraries, their patrons and the broader public interest.
How to Cite: Ewbank, A. D. , Masland, J. & Zabriskie, C. (2016) “Library Issues at the Federal Level: An Introduction to ALA's Washington Office and the Committee on Legislation”, The Political Librarian. 2(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.7936/pollib.8512