Authors: Megha Uberoi (Washington University in St. Louis) , Antonia Asher (Tulane Univeristy) , Katherine Irani (Washington University in St. Louis) , Angela Serwin (Washington University in St. Louis)
The social and physical environments have played a fundamental role in the production and maintenance of racial health inequities in the United States. Contexts of these environments not only shape the social norms and health behaviors of individuals from an early stage in life, but also the stressors and coping resources available. Historical and current racial residential segregation has played a central role in determining the resources available to black communities residing in such neighborhoods. These challenges were discussed in detail at the inaugural Collaboration on Race, Inequality and Social Mobility in America (CRISMA) conference in March 2018. This paper features the work of health equity scholars, Dr. Riana Anderson from The University of Michigan and Dr. Keon Gilbert from Saint Louis University, at the CRISMA conference who described their efforts to extend healthcare services to marginalized racial groups, particularly African Americans while simultaneously building upon the cultural strengths of African Americans.
Keywords: African Americans; Social Context; Access to Care; Resiliency; Racial Socialization; Health Promotion
How to Cite: Uberoi, M. , Asher, A. , Irani, K. & Serwin, A. (2020) “Meeting People Where They Are: Extending Services Building Capacity in Black Communities”, Journal on Race, Inequality, and Social Mobility in America. 2(1).