
American Indian/Alaskan Native College Dropout: Recommendations for Increasing Retention and Graduation

Authors: David A. Patterson Silver Wolf (Adelv unegv Waya) (Washington University in St. Louis) , Sheretta T. Butler-Barnes (Washington University in St. Louis) , Carol Van Zile-Tamsen (University at Buffalo, SUNY)

  • American Indian/Alaskan Native College Dropout: Recommendations for Increasing Retention and Graduation


    American Indian/Alaskan Native College Dropout: Recommendations for Increasing Retention and Graduation

    Authors: , ,


Throughout the United States, the college dropout rate among American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) students in public universities is the highest compared to any other student group. Researchers have identified this problem and offered reasons for it, but few have made specific efforts to disrupt the continued dropout rates. This article identifies and discusses three recommendations to address the dropout problem from a systems, rather than individual, perspective: (1) living and learning communities, (2) social belonging intervention, and (3) self-regulated learning activities. Studied with minority students, these endeavors show promise for retaining underrepresented students, specifically AI/AN students. To disrupt the long-term problem of dropouts among the AI/AN population, adjustments within public university systems must be part of the effort.

Keywords: American Indian, Alaskan Native, retention, living and learning, social belonging, self-regulated learning

Publisher Notes

  • Erratum

    Sheretta T. Butler-Barnes and Carol Van Zile-Tamsen were not listed as co-authors in initial publication.

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Published on
29 Mar 2017