
Oral Health Beliefs of Alaska Native Dental Patients

Authors: Abigail N. Adams , Carly T McKenzie (University of Alabama - Birmingham)

  • Oral Health Beliefs of Alaska Native Dental Patients


    Oral Health Beliefs of Alaska Native Dental Patients

    Authors: ,


This study investigated the oral health beliefs of Alaska Native dental patients via a questionnaire with 4-point Likert scales. Respondents (n = 136) reported high perceived importance of keeping natural teeth. Females viewed oral health as more important than males. Respondents generally did not view dentists as readily available (M = 2.86, SD = 0.66). Perceived availability and efficacy of dentists were positively correlated (r = 0.219, p = 0.021). Beliefs regarding seriousness of dental problems and importance of oral health were strongly correlated (r = 0.547, p < 0.001). Age predicted perceived seriousness of oral health problems, dentist availability, and prevention benefits. Access to dental care is perceived as a barrier among Alaska Natives generally and elders in particular. Oral health education and prevention messages should utilize the existing belief that keeping natural teeth is important. Public information about available services and transportation logistics may decrease perceived availability barriers.

Keywords: oral health, dental health surveys, Native American, culture, oral health beliefs, Alaska Native, public health, social medicine, Alaska, dental clinic

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Published on
28 Mar 2017