
Global Studies Law Review encourages submissions of articles, books reviews, essays, and recent developments on topics of international, foreign or comparative law.

The text and footnotes of each manuscript should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed., 2020). Please enclose a cover letter indicating the name of your manuscript, its nature, and providing all of your relevant contact information. Global Studies Law Review will make every effort to give authors timely notification of acceptance or refusal. All submissions become property of the review, and cannot be returned.

Global Studies Law Review accepts written and electronic manuscripts. Please send all typewritten submissions to:

Global Studies Law Review
Washington University School of Law
Campus Box 1120
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899

Please send electronic submissions to Global Studies Law Review as an MS Word attachment to with the following information:

  • Your name and complete contact information
  • Cover letter
  • Resume or CV
  • List of all publications that have extended an offer to your submission
  • Dates that the offers from other publications expire


If you have received an offer from another publication for your submission and wish to request an expedited review, please indicate that you would like an expedited review in the subject or body of the email, and indicate the publications that have extended an offer to your submission and the related expiration dates of such offers.